Governor of Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh ESL Narasimhan this evening hosted a tea party at the Rajbhavan on the occasion of the 68th Republic Day celebrations. Telangana State Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and AP Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu attended the function. Ministers of both the Telugu States, former governors Konijeti Rosaiah, Rangarajan, CLP leader K Jana Reddy, Telangana Speaker Madhusudana Chary, Council chairman K Swamy Goud, Deputy Chief Minister Kadiyam Srihari, AP Speaker Kodela Sivaprasada Rao, AP Council chairman Dr A Chakrapani, State CPI president Chada Venkat Reddy, BJP leader G Kishan Reddy, officials and political leaders were present. On the occasion, the Governor his wife Vimala Narasimhan welcomed the leaders. (Photo: Zabi)