New Delhi : After sharing a picture of Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor sharing a kiss, the makers have released another still from their upcoming movie ‘Baaghi: Rebels in Love.’
Movie’s director Sajid Nadiadwala’s production company Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment took to Twitter and shared a pic, wherein the ‘Heropanti’ actor is seen passionately holding Shraddha, writing, “With @iTIGERSHROFF & @ShraddhaKapoor, dhamaka toh hona hi tha!”
It was only few days back, when the kiss snap of the two went viral, showing Tiger embracing his onscreen ladylove, who has his shirt draped around her, as they share a kiss in the rain.
Directed by Sabbir Khan, the upcoming flick is a rebellious story and is slated to be released on 29th April 2016. (ANI)