Sleuths of Rachakonda SOT have busted three cricket betting gangs operating under Vanasthalipuram and Uppal Police station limits. A total of 13 accused were nabbed and an amount of Rs 2,66,450, one Laptop, 15 cell phones and one Apple iPad were seized from their possession.
In Vanasthalipuram case, accused Kiran of Ramnagar was absconding. Gonuganti Sambasiva Rao of Ramnagar Gundu, Vattikonda Venkata Krishna Rao of Tirumala Colony, Sagar Crossroad, LB Nagar, Haradi Ganapathi of Sanjeev Nagar, Golnaka were arrested. Police said Kiran with the assistance of Sambasiva Rao was organizing cricket bettings during the IPL matches by inviting bets from the punters. A-3 and A-4 are the punters who are betting during the matches with the assistant bookie A- 2. Accused A-1 main bookie, who was absconding On credible information, Malkajgiri Zone SOT apprehended the accused and seized Rs.1,07,000, four Cell phones and one Apple iPad.
In another Vanasthalipuram case, accused Taneeru Nagaraju of Vaidhehi Nagar, Vanasthalipuram, Taneeru Hari Babu of Andhra Kesari Nagar, Vanasthalipuram, Nidadavolu Uday of Auto Nagar, Vanasthalipuram (Computer Operator), Koushik Maharshi of Srinivasapuram Colony, Vanasthalipuram, Anagari Babu Rao of FCI Colony, Vansthalipuram, Elemineti Venkat Reddy of Srinivasa Nagar Colony, Hayathnagar were arrested.
The accused Taneeru Nagaraju with the assistance of A-2 to A-4 was organizing cricket bettings during the IPL matches by inviting bets from the punters. A-5 and A-6 are the punters, who were betting during the matches with the main bookie A-1. On credible information SOT, LB Nagar Zone apprehended the accused and seized Rs 1,44,000, seven Cell phones and one Toshiba laptop.
In Uppal case, the accused Sanjeev Kumar of Seethaphalmandi, Pittala Srinivas of Seethapalmandi, Secunderabad were absconding. Ande Anil Kumar of Osmania University, Mekala Jagdish Raj of Gokul Nagar, Ramanthapur, Uppal, Kadam Shiva Kumar of Sri Satya Sai Enclave Military Diary Farm Road, Secunderabad. (Punter) Boigoni Naveen Kumar S/o Krishna age:33 Occ:business R/o H.No.78, Laxmi Narsimha Colony, Annojiguda, Ghatkesar (Punter)
K.Raj Kumar S/o K.Narsimha R/o Plot No.59, Satya Sai enclave, St no.3, Diary Farm Road, Bowenpally (Punter) Absconding
Brief facts: The accused A-1 Sanjay and Srinivas with the assistance of A-3 & A-4 are organizing cricket bettings during the IPL matches by inviting bets from the punters.
The A-5 to A-7 are the punters who are betting during the matches with the bookies. A- 7 punter is absconding Rs.15,450/- and Cell phones – 04
The arrests were made under the supervision of K.Narsing Rao, Inspector of Police, I/c SOT Rachakonda by Naveen Kumar, Inspector, P.Anjaneyulu, A.Ramulu, Hafeez S.Is, HCs Krishna, Mallesh and PCs Ramchander, Chandra Shekar, Srinivas, Rajesh, Vikaram, Venkatesh, Brahmam, Motilal, Tousif, Sudershan of SOT Rachakonda
On credible information SOT, Malkajgiri Zone apprehended. (NSS)