Pune: In a shocking incident, three brothers from Pimpri-Chinchwad in Pune passed away due to COVID-19 under a week. All three of them had co-morbidities of high risk and were undergoing treatment in the same hospital.
The three siblings were identified as Popatrao Kalpure (66), Mauli Kalpure (63) and Diliprao Kalpure (61). On July 5, one of the children in their family tested positive for COVID-19. In the consequent tests, all of the 18 members of the joint family were found positive.
Furthermore, three brothers had heart-related ailments. When complained of breathlessness, they were admitted into the intensive care unit. On July 10, the youngest brother, Diliprao was the first one to pass away. The eldest one died on July 15 and the second one on July 17.
The authorities of the hospital said that all other members of the family recovered.
In another family of Pimpri-Chinchwad, a couple died of COVID-19 leaving behind a 13-year old daughter. On Tuesday (July 20), Pune crossed a rather grim milestone of 40,000 positive cases, with 1,512 fresh Covid-19 cases reported. Currently, Pune has 15,434 active COVID-19 cases.