Some thought-provoking lines from “A Systematic Study of the Holy Quran” – 6

(By Dr. Javed Jamil)

* Islam is a complete System that ensures a better world and the best Hereafter. It has a well-developed code for the individual as well as for family and society, and for the ruler as well as the ruled.

Three-dimensional System

* Islam, unlike the constitutions that are in practice in different parts of the present world, gives extraordinary importance also to Fundamental Duties and Prohibitions in addition to Fundamental Rights. In most of the constitutions of the world, Fundamental Rights are given much greater stress than Duties, resulting therefore in a chaotic state where everyone is concerned with one’s rights but none cares about duties, resulting in suppression of the rights of the weaker section of society. And to the best of my knowledge, there is no constitution which can present a chapter of “Fundamental Prohibitions”. A proper balance between these three is the most wonderful aspect of Islamic constitution that makes it far superior model to the other systems.

* Prayers in Islam are directed to none but the Highest Authority in the Universe; no deputy stands between God and man.

* Salat helps a person to avoid social evils; one gets regular reminder of what is liked or disliked by God.

* If one does not show distinct improvement in one’s behaviour, it indicates lack of sincerity in the prayer; there are persons who join prayers in order to deceive people; their prayers will be of no avail either in this world or in Hereafter.

* Ramadhan refreshes the whole mission in the minds of followers; they get an annual reminder of what is expected from them, how they must conduct and what is their ultimate mission: mission of Peace. The month reminds Muslims that though Jihad against self and through Quran are the best in normal circumstances, in certain situations, armed Jihad becomes mandatory.

* The month of fasting does everything that the wholesome peace necessitates. It strengthens physical, mental and spiritual health of individuals; increases their awareness and knowledge about the injunctions of God; involves practical steps to reduce economic disparities in society; promotes equality, brotherhood and communal harmony; and reminds the followers of Islam their duty to combat the acts of aggression against them and those by the forces of evils against mankind.

* Eid is the festival of thankfulness to God, peace, brotherhood and equality.

* Faith and prayer are primarily meant to ensure physical, mental, social and spiritual peace of individuals. Fasting and Zakah are aimed, in addition, at social and national peace. With Hajj, the System of Peace assumes global dimensions… It disseminates the message of universal brotherhood and equality irrespective of race, colour and creed not only among Muslims but also among the rest of mankind.

* Ka’bah is the first place of worship on the Earth, which serves as a symbol of monotheism, giving this a special historical and evolutionary significance. The symbolisation is of paramount importance. This being the greatest symbol of the unity of God it also becomes the greatest symbol of the unity of mankind.

* Dr Javed Jamil is India based thinker and writer with over a dozen books including his latest, “Muslim Vision of Secular India: Destination & Road-map”, “Qur’anic Paradigms of Sciences & Society” (First Vol: Health), “Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough” and Other works include “The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism”, “The Essence of the Divine Verses”, “The Killer Sex”, “Islam means Peace” and “Rediscovering the Universe”. Read more about him at Facebook page:, also He can be contacted at