New Delhi: Ahead of the interim budget, the Shiv Sena said it wants the central government to exempt those earning up to Rs 8 lakhs per annum from paying income tax.
“10 per cent reservation has been given to upper caste people. Those who earn less than or equal to eight lakh per annum can apply for this. So, we feel people who earn Rs 8,00,000 per annum are poor.
Therefore, the limit of income tax should be eight lakhs. Those who earn up to eight lakhs per annum should be refrained from paying tax. This is our demand,” Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut told ANI.
The Parliament recently passed the Constitution (124th Amendment) Bill, 2019 to grant 10 per cent reservation in education and government jobs to economically weaker section individuals belonging to the general category, across religions.
The Budget Session of Parliament will commence on January 31 and the interim Budget will be presented on February 1. The session will commence with the customary address by President Ram Nath Kovind to the joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
The session, which will continue till February 13, will have 10 sittings, the officials said. This will be the last session of the Lok Sabha before the general elections.