Theatre festival throws light on Delhi schools

A day-long theatre festival in government schools in the national capital Monday highlighted the poor condition of the schools.

A total of 50 students from various Delhi schools enacted plays which focused on issues like poor hygiene in schools to absence of teachers and lack of open playground spaces.

The festival was organised by Child Rights and You (CRY), a non-governmental organisation and the Alliance for People Rights (APR).

Soha Moitra, CRY regional director, north, said: “CRY is making an attempt to ensure that the voices of children are included in decisions that affect their lives. Such groups come together on a regular basis in the community with the objective of enabling their own holistic development”.

The festival was followed by a panel discussion which focused on the status of education and the need for compulsory education for all children.

CRY also released a report on the occasion which detailed how many schools in the capital lack proper infrastructure.