Tharoor`s twitter account crosses 10,000 followers

New Delhi, June 30 : “Minister Twitter” – that is how the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister of Foreign Trade Sheikha Lubna Bint Khalid Al Qasimi greeted Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor on a Dubai stopover last week.

“In Dubai my old friend Sheikha Lubna, UAE foreign trade minister, hosted a friendly lunch at which she greeted me as ‘Minister Twitter’!” he tweeted June 24.

The title was apt as Tharoor collected over 10,000 followers on his account (@shashitharoor) – the micro blog social networking tool, which is the current internet flavour.

Tharoor had started his twitter account during this electoral campaign in Thiruvananthapuram, but the number of ‘followers’ – or people who have subscribed to his account to get his updates instantly – grew by leaps and bounds only after he got elected and became a minister.

As per a twitter tabulation website, Twitterholic, Tharoor’s account has the largest following of any account based in New Delhi.
