Jaipur: Speaking at an event here on Thursday, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor reiterated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should not be “criticised over everything,” but he also asked Congressmen to engage in constructive criticism.
“We should not criticise Modi on each and everything. However, being in the Opposition, we need to find out reasons for his return. His percentage of votes shot up from 31 per cent to 37 per cent while our vote percentage went down. His policies such as Swachh Bharat Yojana and Ujjwala Yojana worked well for him. However, in reality, over 65 per cent of these toilets lack water. Here, we need to get into constructive criticism,” he said.
Tharoor also said that he wanted elections to be held to elect the party president for it would give a wider choice to Congress workers.
He also used the term tax terrorism in the present context of Indian economy, saying foreign investors are withdrawing money from the country. “When they find out that lynchings are taking place in the name of cow and that social harmony is absent, they hesitate to invest in such a country,” Tharoor said.
He also asked the Central government to accept its faults due to which economy is in a shambles.
“Demonetisation escalated the problems. Last week, automobile industry lost 13,000 employments. The way jobs are being lost never happened in the last 50 years. The government should accept its faults”, he added.