Tharoor condoles Musharraf’s demise

New Delhi: Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Sunday condoled the demise of former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf.

Tharoor said that Musharraf, who was once an implacable foe of India, had become a real force for peace from 2002 to 2007.

“I met him annually in those days at the @un &found him smart, engaging & clear in his strategic thinking. RIP,” the Thiruvananthapuram MP said.

Taking to Twitter, Tharoor posted: “Pervez Musharraf, Former Pakistani President, Dies of Rare Disease: once an implacable foe of India, he became a real force for peace 2002-2007. I met him annually in those days at the @un &found him smart, engaging & clear in his strategic thinking. RIP”

Musharraf, 79 died of a rare disease in a hospital in Dubai on Sunday.