Terrorists threaten Belgium for burqa ban

Brussels, July 30: A terrorism-monitoring organization says jihadists are threatening Belgium for banning the wearing of face-covering burqas in public.

The United States-based SITE Monitoring Service quotes posts on jihadist internet sites as urging the bombing, torture and assassination of Belgians.

SITE reported today that a person named Faz al-Shaheed had posted on a site: “This is what your parliament unanimously decided except for one representative, to ban the wearing of the veil in your small country… So, by this decision you have ignited unto yourselves a fire without an extinguisher.”

SITE said another post by a Fashudu al-Withaqsaid said: “O Allah, destroy their buildings with explosives, their cars with booby-traps, and their men with sniper rifles.” The ban took effect Saturday.