Terrorists plans to sneak in with help from guides

Mumbai, July 18: According to the latest information gathered by intelligence agencies IB terrorists in Pakistan are now trying to infiltrate into India with the help of Kashmiri guides.

According to the latest IB reports Pakistani terrorists are looking for Kashmiri guides to recruit them in their outfits. Around 40-45 terrorists of Lashkar -e-Taiba and Jaish e- Mohammad are being trained in Pakistan occupied Kashmir by ISI and Pakistan army.

Pakistani terrorists are trying to recruit local guides of Kashmir and luring them with financial assistance so as to infiltrate into India to attack the targeted area.

Earlier on July 9,2010 Intelligence agencies have sounded a terror alert in Kolkata , Mumbai and Delhi following reports that terrorists had sneaked into these cities to target vital installations.

According to intelligence agencies about 31 operatives of Bangladesh –based terror groups Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI) and jamaat-e-Islami (JEI) have penetrated into India for carrying out terror strikes

On 4th July 2010 according to US Think- tank Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba and other militant outfits may be planning an attack during the common wealth games event.
