Hyderabad: The price of chicken in Hyderabad has been on a rise as a result of an increase in the temperature this summer. With one kilogram of chicken available at Rs 163 last month, one kg of chicken was available at Rs 210 in the city on Saturday. According to a report by Telangana Today, the rates could further fluctuate depending upon the mercury levels.
The price rise may be attributed to the harsh weather condition as well as the due to the holy month of Ramadan, that is expected to commence on May 17, sources informed. The General Secretary of Telangana State Poultry Federation (TSPF), K Mohan Reddy said the price may go up further in this month; explaining that a lot of birds are dying due to lack of water.
“These birds are not able to bear the heat and not gaining weight over 1.5 kg. However, when it comes to summer, their feed intake goes down and thereby affects the weight”, he added.