Warangal: In a shocking incident which took place in Warangal District of Telangana State, a woman was tonsured for marrying a man of her choice.
According to the report published in Deccan Herald, this incident occurred in Paidipally village of Warangal District.
It may be mentioned that Jannu Veena (23) married Mandha Praveen at a temple on 28th December. They were neighbours and belong to the same caste.
Initially, they did not return to the village. However, after local Corporator advised couple’s parents, they returned a week ago.
Local Corporator confirmed that after the couple sought help from him, he called and advised their parents.
Despite Corporator’s advice, on Monday, relatives of Veena took the couple to her maternal uncle’s place. After reaching there, they drugged her.
Giving the details of the incident, Mr. B Kishan, Hasanparthy Police Inspector told that the man was forced to tonsure the head of his wife. Barber assisted him.
Later, police registered a case against six relatives of Veena.