The bifurcation of the Indian Medical Association will be completed by the end of December, the two new bodies in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will be announced in the national council meeting of IMA in Ahmedabad scheduled later in December.The demand for a separate branch of IMA in Telangana was raised during the national conference held at Warangal in 2012.
Dr. M Yadgiri Rao has elected as a secretary for activities related to Telanagana, Dr. Rao will coordinate with the headquarters of IMA to form the new body in Telangana.
In a strongly worded statement from senior nephrologist, Dr. A. Gopal Kishan who played an active role in the Telangana movement since 1969 criticised some of the IMA members who had apparently made complaints against him to IMA national body.
This is all an attempt to control IMA branch of TS by outsiders, which will impact the interests Telangana. All self respecting members of medical profession from Telangana, said Dr. Gopal.