Telangana Urdu Academy spent Rs 37.77 crore in four years

Hyderabad: A total of Rs 101.27 crore has been sanctioned for Telangana Urdu Academy from financial year 2019 to 2022-23 from minority welfare department and a total of Rs 61.96 crore has been released.

According to the details provided to the government by the Urdu Academy authorities, in the financial year 2022-23, 4.27 crore were approved for the protection and promotion of Urdu and out of this, Rs 2.13 crore has been released, but the academy has spent only Rs 69.25 lakh in this regard.

According to the Minority Welfare Department, Rs 26.33 crore was allocated from the government for the implementation of the Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana scheme in this financial year, out of which Rs 25.5 crore has been released, but no one except the specific officials of the Urdu Academy are aware of where these funds are being spent. Out of Rs 37.77 crore spent by the academy in the last four years, Rs 32.7 crore has been spent under the Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana scheme.

There have been expenses which should be investigated as to where these funds are being spent. These figures have been submitted to the Minority Welfare Department by the Urdu Academy itself, but they do not specify for which Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana these funds are being spent.

The government has allocated Rs 54.81 crore for Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana Scheme in four years. While Rs 17.81 crore has been allocated for the development and promotion of Urdu language during this period, only Rs 5.69 crore was spent in four years. In contrast, Rs 32.7 crore has been spent on the Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana scheme.

Why is the Urdu academy more interested in Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana scheme than the development and promotion of Urdu and where are they being built?

Why are such huge sums of money being spent in the name of Shadi Khana, which do not exist?

The Minority Welfare Department is approving the establishment of buildings in the name of Mini-Haj House in every district of the state and if these Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadi Khana built in all the districts, then what will be the use of Mini-Haj House and crores of rupees from the academy.

A high-level inquiry into the entire budget spent by the Urdu Academy is inevitable because of suspicious activities.