Hyderabad: Along with lifting the lockdown restrictions that were earlier in place, the Telangana government on Saturday hinted towards reopening of restaurants, cinema halls and other public places that were earlier prohibited.
In the government order issued on Saturday, the government said that it has decided to allow all the activities that were permitted prior to the introduction of lockdown in the state.
This includes restaurants, cinema halls, amusement parks, clubs, swimming pools, bars, pubs, gymnasiums, stadiums, places of religious worship among others. The government had, in its previous GOs concerning lockdown imposition, prohibited all kinds of gatherings.
However, the government insisted that wearing a face mask shall be compulsory in public places, in work places and in means of transport. “Any deviation in this regard shall attract prosecution u/s.51 to 60 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Section 188 of IPC as well as other applicable laws,” the GO read, besides reiterating the penalty of Rs.1000 imposed on failure of wearing masks.
Earlier, the government also said that all educational institutions will be allowed to reopen from July 1 and directed the education department to issue instructions in this regard.