Hyderabad: On a tip-off, officers and staff of Medchal District and Anti-Poaching Squad, raided a house in Venkatradri Township, Chowdarguda village under Ghatkesar Mandal and found one Python and one Bronze Back Snake in the house.
The Anti-Poaching Squad said one Sharan Moses was keeping the Snakes for last one month for selling them illegally. His friend Vanorous Praveen of the same colony got himself photographed with the Python around his neck and uploaded the picture on Facebook and Whatsapp to attract prospective buyers.
The Forest officials seized the two snakes from the house and booked a case under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. They said Python is a Schedule–I species and possessing and illegal trade attracts imprisonment of three to seven years and a minimum fine of Rs 10,000. The two accused have been produced before the Metropolitan Magistrate Court, Rangareddy for judicial custody.