Telangana: TSWREIS’s ‘BioMe’23 summit to be inaugurated on Feb 21

Hyderabad: Inauguration ceremony of the Telangana Social and Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Societies (TSTWREIS)’s International Conference ‘BioMe’23 will be held at the Kanha Shantivanam Auditorium, Chegur AT 10 am on February 21.

The three-day summit of lectures, discussions, and workshops as part of the International Conference on Advances in Biology and Medicine will be held till February 23.

BioMe’23 aims to bring together veterans and freshers for sharing and gaining knowledge at Kanha Shanthivanam located outside the city.

Special features of the conference include heartfulness medication and wellness practices with Yoga besides the Oral and Poster presentations from across India along with the career guidance session conducted by the Vigyanshaala. Eminent scientists and researchers across the globe are expected to participate in the event.

The keynote address will be delivered by the Head, of Cancer and Systems Therapeutics, University of Toledo, Dr Amit Tiwari.

Plenary lectures will be delivered by the director, of the B.S.P.S. Pharmacology/Toxicology Program, University of Toledo and the director, CCMB Dr Vinay K Nandicoori.