Hyderabad: The Telangana State Police on Friday announced that the department of Hyderabad Traffic Police is going to release all the seized vehicles which has been seized during the lockdown period as a part of enforcement of lockdown norms.
More than 1.6 lakh vehicles including bikes, cars, autos and other vehicles were seized by the Hyderabad Traffic Police till date.
The Telangana State Police stated in media statement that the police have decided to release the seized vehicles as huge number of vehicles has been lying at various places cannot be transported to courts and a great difficulty is being faced by the field officers
in providing proper accommodation for the custody of vehicles and it is considered not necessary to keep property in police custody, the police said in a release.
In view of the above following instructions are issued for all the enforcement officers Station Head Officers (SHO) for implementation.
Further the department said in a release that Cases registered under the provision of MV Act: All the vehicles seized under the provisions of MV Act can be released after
compounding the cases and payment of compounding fee, under proper acknowledgment.
Cases registered under Sec.188 IPC: In these cases vehicles can be released under the provisions of Sec. 102(3) Cr.P.C, Cases registered under the provision of Sec. 188 IPC and NDM Act after obtaining an undertaking from the vehicle owner to produce it before the court as and when the court orders to do so.