Telangana: SSC to resume using pre-COVID-19 exam format

Hyderabad: As SSC exams are scheduled for March 2023, the School Education Department decided to go back to the pattern of question papers used before the year COVID-19.

SSC students will now have to attend 11 papers rather than the six that were carried out over the previous two academic years.

Amid COVID-19, the Educational Department reduced the number of papers from 11 to 6 during the course of the last two academic years with only one paper assigned for each topic. The length of the exam was also extended from 2 hours 45 min to 3 hours 15 minutes.

Aside from this, the syllabus was shrunk by 30% due to the pandemic restrictions, which included the shutdown of educational facilities and the adoption of online classrooms.

After COVID-19 instances subsided in the state and the start of the academic year 2022–2023 in the schools, the SSC Public Examinations for the following year’s schedule were changed back to their former structure.

A total of 5,03,579 students registered for the SSC Public Exams 2022, and 90% of them passed.