Telangana SSC exam hall tickets to be made available online

Hyderabad: The hall tickets for Telangana SSC exams can be downloaded online from the official website of the Directorate of Government Examination, also known as the SSC Board or they can be collected from your respective schools starting March 24.

A total of 4,94,616 students have registered for the SSC exams in Telangana this year. To accommodate these students, 2,652 exam centers have been set up across the state. The exams are scheduled to be conducted from April 3 to 13, with a timing of 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.

Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy has reviewed the arrangements for the SSC exams and directed department officials to ensure that the exams are conducted smoothly.

To ensure the smooth conduct of the examination, CCTV surveillance cameras are being installed at the examination centers.

During the exams, students can reach out to the invigilator or the concerned authorities immediately if they face any issues.

In order to download Telangana SSC exam hall tickets, visit the SSC Board website (click here).