Telangana sports schools admissions: Selection competitions from July 1-5

Hyderabad: Telangana State Sports School will be conducting the selection competitions for admissions of 40 students (20 boys and 20 girls) from July 1 to 5.

District Youth Services and Sports Officer B Srikanth Reddy, in a press release, said that mandal and district-level selection competitions would be organized to carry out admissions into classes IV and V at sports schools located in Karimnagar, Adilabad and Hakeempet and organized by Sports Authority of Telangana State (SATS).

About the eligibility, Reddy said that students born from September 1 of 2014 to August 31 of 2015 were eligible to participate in a mandal-level selection competition for admissions into class IV.

“Students born between September 31 of 2014 and August 31 of 2014 would be permitted to take part in the competition for admissions into class V,” stated the release.

Mandal-level selection competition will be held from July 1 to 5 while the district-level events are scheduled on July 12 and 13.

Also, twenty male and female students would be chosen from the district for participating in a state-level selection competition to be conducted on July 25.

To get admission, students will have to participate in jump, run, vertical jump, flexibility test, and 800-meter long run.

Students have been further advised to enrol their names before July 24.