The Telangana State stood at second place and Andhra Pradesh at fourth place in corruption and accepting bribes in the nation, according to a study report released by the Center for Media Studies (CMS) on Corruption in India-2018 here on Friday. Curiously, Tamil Nadu stands on top of the list in corruption.
CMS survey chairman Bhaskar Rao said about 75% housewives felt that corruption increased this year. As against publicity that corruption in Telangana was less, but in practice corruption was high in Telangana State. Interestingly, there was a publicity that the corruption in Andhra Pradesh state was high, but in practice the corruption was less in Andhra Pradesh state. More over, corruption decreased in Andhra Pradesh when compared with the past. But the peoples’ activism in public services was very less. There was no corruption in Andhra Pradesh state as alleged by some political parties, he added. (NSS)