Telangana rolls out Mobile App to ease Oil Palm cultivation

Hyderabad: Telangana Oil Palm mobile app and web portal were launched by principal secretary of the state Shanti Kumari Tokalasi and agriculture minister Niranjan Reddy at BRKR Bhavan.

Chairman of the state oil federation, Kancharla Ramakrishna Reddy, state agriculture secretary Raghunandan Rao, and parks commissioner, Hanumantha Rao participated in the launch event.

Telangana minister of agriculture Niranjan Reddy, while speaking on the occasion, said that this mobile app and web portals have been launched for ease and transparency in the implementation of the oil palm cultivation scheme.

He explained that while the demand for palm oil is more than 100 lakh metric tons in the country, there is only 2.90 lakh metric tons of production as of now.

“To achieve self-sufficiency in the palm oil sector in the country, an additional area of 70 lakh acres is required,” held the minister.

Niranjan Reddy also said that about 3.66 lakh tons of palm oil is needed in Telangana state while currently, only 52,666 tons of palm oil is being produced.

Farmers, state and district-level horticulture department officials, oil palm companies, and the nursery in charge who participated in the implementation of the oil palm scheme will be a part of this mobile app.

The minister explained that the details of the land area to be cultivated for oil palm, plants distributed, intercrops, and concessions provided for crops will be recorded in this app in a timely fashion.

“The state government has decided to take up palm oil cultivation on an area of 20 lakh acres with the first instalment of Rs 107.43 crores released,” said the minister.

“Of the amount released, 82 crores have been provided as a concession to farmers and companies where proprietary practices in oil palm cultivation, intercropping, and micro-irrigation, per acre, cost Rs 50,918 as a concession,” he briefed.

15710 farmers have taken up 61277 acres in the current year 2022-23 with an additional two lakh acres of cultivation in the state aimed for the year 2023-24.