Hyderabad: Telangana’s Finance Minister Etela Rajender on Monday presented the state budget in the assembly, proposing an expenditure of Rs.1,30,415 crore for the financial year 2016-17.
Rs .1,204 crore allocated for the welfare of minorities.
The finance minister presented the budget with estimated revenue surplus of Rs 3,381 crore.
The fiscal deficit is projected at Rs.23,467 crore.
Focussing on irrigation, the budget has allocated Rs.25,000 crore for the sector.
An allocation of Rs 7,861 crore has been made for Palamuru lift irrigation project, Rs.6,286 crore for Kaleswaram project and Rs 1,150 crore for Sitarama project.
Rajender termed the budget as a step towards fulfilling the dream of ‘Bangaru (golden) Telangana’. He said the budget was in tune with the aspirations of the people.
Alleging that Telangana was always neglected by the governments in undivided Andhra Pradesh, Rajender said the region was not allocated even Rs.10,000 crore for its development in any budget.