Hyderabad: The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) is all set to conduct a Preliminary Written Test (PWT) for 6,61,196 candidates across the state for 16,929 posts of SCTPCs.
A video conference was held by several traffic officials regarding the exam day. The traffic wing has taken responsibility to ensure the neighbouring roads to the exam centers are congestion-free, and to deploy traffic pilots during the transportation of confidential materials.
All SHOs will keep an eye out for suspicious people and maintain a security perimeter around the exam center. On the day of the preliminary written test, concerned SHOs and sector SIs will visit test centres under their jurisdiction to ensure that proper arrangements are in place and that candidates are provided with adequate facilities.
Certain guidelines have been issued by the Hyderabad city police and urged candidates to follow them while appearing for the preliminary recruitment test of SCTPCs and equivalent posts across 91 Centers within city limits.
The rules are as follows:
- Candidates will be allowed to the exam hall from 09.00 AM and the gates will be closed by 10.00 AM.
- They will not be allowed into the center even if they are late by a minute.
- Attendance will be recorded using biometric method, candidates are advised to avoid applying mehendi and tattoos on their hands.
- Only the hall ticket, with photo affixed and a pen are permitted inside the examination hall.
- Prohibited items include bags, calculators, cell phones, gadgets, watches, etc.,
- There will be a seat assigned to each candidate with a roll number and it is important that each candidate finds his or her designated seat and occupies it promptly.
- Check the question paper code.
- The invigilator will notify the time remaining in regular intervals.