Telangana Police launch prestigious CCTNS

Adding yet another feather to its cap in the modernization of its police, Telangana State Police joined the ranks of among the first few states in the country to roll out the Citizen Services with an objective of making policing more transparent and citizen friendly after the prestigious Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) is made Go-Live by Information Technology Minister K. Tarakarama Rao here on Tuesday.

Immediately after CCTNS was made Go-Live, Home Minister Nayini Narashimha Reddy launched various citizens services like generation of SMS alerts to the complainant after the complaint is lodged in the police stations by the citizens. The SMS alert will service as an acknowledgement which will contain the petition ID and can be used to track the disposal of the petition though TS Police website – Now the details of missing persons will be made available on the TS Police website. Further, confirmation SMS alert after the registration of FIR to complainant’s mobile and a copy of FIR to the complainant email ID will be sent.

The CCTNS project was initiated in Telangana State in the year 2012 and this project now covers more than 1000 locations, including all Police Stations and Higher offices, in Telangana State.

The CCTNS Project in Telangana State has been rolled out successfully across the State and is now an Enterprise application involving all aspects of policing. Going a step further, in Hyderabad city mobile devices have been given to all field officers to enable data entry anywhere. After successful run of the Pilot in the State, the project was given a Go-Live today in the presence of Director General of Police Anurag Sharma and other senior police officials. (INN)