Telangana: Over 33L people screened under Kanti Velugu program

Hyderabad: From its start in January 2023, the Telangana government’ flagship program Kanti Velugu, has aided in the eye-screening of as many as 33,60,301 people.

Reading glasses have been distributed to 6,76, 372 people free of cost till now.

Prescription glasses were distributed to 6,76, 732 people in the state of which 22,22,669 people were found to have no eye diseases.

Eye screening was conducted for 19,701 people on Friday and reading glasses were distributed to 5,153 people.

The state government took up universal eye screening by covering the entire population of the state under the name “Kanti Velugu”. The programme was launched on January 18, 2023 and aims to conduct eye screening and vision test for all citizens of the state as well as providing spectacles free of cost and providing medicines for common eye ailments.

Kanti Velugu also aims to educate people on prevention of serious disabling eye diseases.