Telangana: Obesity in women lesser compared to neighboring states

Hyderabad: A statistical bulletin released by the Council for Social Development (CSD) in Hyderabad showed that obesity in women of Telangana and Karnataka is lesser than in men, as compared to other states.

Data reveals that the incidence of being overweight/obese is more among women than men in the
age group of 15-49 years both at the country level (women 24% marginally higher than men
22.9%) as well as in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In Karnataka and
Telangana, the incidence is marginally lower among women.

This statistical bulletin was based on the latest rounds of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) – Round 5 (2019-2021). It provides a comprehensive picture of women’s overweight/obese status in the Southern States (Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu) of India. The bulletin
aims to thoroughly understand women’s nutritional status data for Telangana and other southern states.

CSD presented this document and added that it can be used as a ready-reckoner for academicians and researchers focused on Telangana as well as the Southern States of India. The bulletin has identified the highest-burden states and districts focusing on different socioeconomic attributes. Districts have been ranked on the basis of their prevalence – the higher the prevalence, the lower the performance, and vice versa.

The socioeconomic attributes such as social categories (SC/ST/OBC/GEN), location (rural/urban), the economic status based on wealth category (Highest, Fourth, Middle, Second and Lowest) are
depicted with respect to the incidence of overweight/obesity.

However, the levels are higher than the national average in all the Southern States for both men and women, which is a cause of concern.

A comparison of data on the incidence of overweight/obesity among women between NFHS4 and 5 reveals interesting facts. At the national level, it increased by 3.3% and a similar pattern can be found across the Southern States as well. In Tamil Nadu, the increase was highest (by 9.5%), closely followed by Karnataka and Kerala (an increase of 6.9% and 5.7% respectively) whereas it is least in Telangana (by 2%).

In terms of residence and wealth category, the incidence is more tilted towards the urban and highest to middle level wealthier section of the society. The incidence is higher among Christian and Muslim women than Hindus whereas social categorization tells a different story – women from the ‘Others’ category and Other Backward Class are overweight/obese than the SCs and STs.