Telangana: National Lok Adalat to be held on June 10

Hyderabad: The National Lok Adalat will be held on June 10 in all court premises of Telangana in physical and virtual modes to settle cases in an amicable and permanent way.

All kinds of civil, compoundable criminal cases, matrimonial disputes, maintenance cases, harassment cases, domestic violence, cases under sec 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, Motor Vehicle Accident Claims etc pending before High Court and Lower Courts can be settled through the Adalat. 

According to the release from Member Secretary of Telangana State Legal Services Authority, the Lok Adalat will provide services without any charges or fees. The court fee, if any paid, in the pending cases will be refunded if the case is solved through Lok Adalat and no appeal lies against the award.

In the statement, the secretary requested the litigant public to come forward and avail the benefit of Lok Adalat. 

Those interested can contact the District Legal Services Authorities and Mandal Legal Services Committees located in the court premises in the near places and also obtain details over the toll-Free Phone Number-15100.