Hyderabad: On June 2, after the Prohibition and Excise Department has now permitted all the 2,182 Telangana liquor shops to resume services, the queues outside the shop seemed to be endless.
It was not just a relief for drunkards but also the Telangana liquor industry which was in mere financial loses. As there was liquor sale was restricted for almost two months, after the nationwide lockdown on March 23.
During the lockdown the Indian states liquor industry including that of telangana liquor industry suffered a revenue loss of about ₹700 crore a day owing to no sales of alcoholic beverages during the lockdown, reports The Hindu on April 16.
However, these loses are seen recovering after the reopening of wine shops again on May 2. As reported by the Siasatnews, the Telangana liquor industry of the after the relaxations of the lockdown on May 2 has earned over Rs 8,000 crore in past four months.
The reports also state that every year the toll of the alcohol consumption in Telangana in drastically increasing.
After the reopening of wine shops drink and drive cases increase
After the reopening Telangana liquor shops in Hyderabad, it was witnessed that there was a slight increase in drink and drive cases.
Just after the sales restarted in May, two persons died and four friends were injured in a road accident at shankarpalli. It was identified that the driver was in a drunk state and lost control over the car.
In another instance, a 35-year-old women who took money from her lover to buy liquor for consumption, proved fatal as her 35-year-old lover allegedly murdered her after a fight over the issue and dumped her body inside a public toilet. The incident was reported on September 11 in Secunderabad.