Telangana: Last date to apply for SI, constable jobs is May 20

Hyderabad: The Telangana Police is conducting recruitment exams for filling up the posts of Constable, Sub Inspector, Assistant Sub Inspector, Reserve Sub Inspectors, Deputy Jailor, and Police Constable in Telangana State level police sections. The last date for registration is May 20.

There are 15644 posts for constables and 554 posts for sub-inspectors. The Telangana Police 2022 recruitment process consists of a preliminary exam, physical measurement test, physical efficiency test, and final exam. Candidates qualifying in the preliminary exam would be eligible for the next level examination.

The aspiring candidates can contact Siasat for coaching, registration, and study materials. They can visit Mehboob Hussain Jigar Hall, Siasat compound Abids, between 11 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.