Telangana inter I, II year exam 2023 to be based on 100 percent syllabus

Hyderabad: Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is going to conduct inter I and II year exam 2023 based on 100 percent syllabus. Apart from it, the question papers will be in the old pattern.

During the pandemic, the board has not only reduced the syllabus to 70 percent but also provided 50 percent choice in the question papers. The relaxation continued for two academic years.

Now as the situation in the state and country has returned to normal and in-person classes are being conducted in the intermediate colleges in Hyderabad and other districts of the state, the board has decided to introduce an old pattern for the question papers.

Inter I and II year students can view the syllabus available on the official website of the board (click here).

Inter I, II year exam evaluation

TSBIE may shift from the conventional way of evaluation to digitized evaluation.

As of now, the board follows physical checking of students’ answer scripts. Once it is digitized, the scanned answer scripts will be sent to evaluators after masking the details of students with barcodes.

During the evaluation, the evaluators will have to enter marks awarded for each subject in the software itself.

The benefit of digitized evaluation includes automatic calculation of subject marks, quick release of results, etc.

However, there are some challenges for shifting the process to digitized evaluation such as the challenge involve in moving lakhs of answer scripts to the BIE headquarters and scanning them.

Due to the challenges, the board has earlier planned to introduce the new system in a phased manner.