Telangana: Inter board to moderate junior college advertisements

Hyderabad: Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is formatting guidelines in order to moderate advertisements by private intermediate colleges in the state in addition to several other academic regulations that will come into effect from the next academic year.

An eight-member committee from the broad will convene to formulate the guidelines of moderation of advertisement content and other academic issues.

TSBIE will verify the claims of the private colleges before giving a green signal to the advertisements. Same candidates who were top rankers were seen in the advertisements belonging to two or three different colleges claiming them as their students.

Before approving the advertisement the board will check the claims by comparing them with the hall ticket number of the candidate. This set to put an end to the misleading advertisements meant to lure students and parents into taking admissions.

TSBIE secretary and commissioner of Intermediate education Navin Mittal said, “We are not against advertisements but they should not be misleading with multiple corporate junior colleges claiming the same top rank”.

“It has been decided to moderate advertisement content and before the advertisement is issued, the colleges have to get the content approved,” he added.

The Board will also issue regulations on classwork timing and study hours, to ensure that the students are not forced to study for long hours without any recreational activities.

Mittal urged the students and their parents to check the affiliation details of the colleges before seeking admission. He said that the affiliation process for the private colleges will be advanced this year and it will be granted before the announcement of the class 10 board exam results.

Starting from the next academic year biometric system will be made mandatory for the faculty of intermediate colleges, to discourage them from working in more than one private college at the same time. The biometric system will be linked to the board.

Speaking about the digital evaluation of inter exam answer scripts, Mittal said “Two companies, Magnetic Info and Cosyn Limited have come forward in the tenders and further process is underway. I cannot comment whether or not digital on screen evaluation will be taken up from this year.”