Telangana in grip of swine flu

Hyderabad: The number of Swine Flu (H1N1) cases in Telangana has been gradually increasing and the patients of this epidemic are being closely monitored since December 2022. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research report, apart from Telangana, H1N1 patients have started to be found in many states and cities of the country who have started consulting doctors with fever, sore throat, cough, and organ failure.

During the coronavirus pandemic, H1N1 patients were tested negative for Covid-19, however, these patients have been found to be infected with Swine flu.

The ICMR report has also confirmed a new outbreak of swine flu, named H3N2, and patients who are suffering from this epidemic are personally consulting doctors and getting themselves treated in private hospitals.

The state government has been informed about the swine flu’s presence in Telangana by the ICMR and the symptoms of the patients who have fallen prey to the epidemic have also been informed.

According to sources, the outbreak, which spreads before the coronavirus, usually occurs twice a year, but this time the epidemic, which has been going on since December, continues to remain through March, while the number of patients of this epidemic has increased from December to January.

Swine flu patients suffer from cough for more than a week and they complain of fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue.

Dr Raja Rao Superintendent of Gandhi Hospital said that patients suffering from H1N1 recover from traditional medicines given by doctors and patients who are suffering from these symptoms are advised to keep themselves away from the heat.

He said that according to the ICMR report, apart from Telangana state, patients of this epidemic are also being found in other states of the country, but they have started recovering between 8 to 10 days.