Telangana: IAS coaching for 100 minority students to begin on Monday

Hyderabad: The Telangana Minority Welfare Department will commence the coaching programs of 100 minority candidates from next Monday.

The Minority Welfare Director Shahnawaz Qasim has decided to call all the selected candidates for counselling. He is in touch with 5 institutions to give their presentation before the students about the facilities in their institutions.

After the presentation, the students shall be free to select the Institution of their choice within two days from the date of presentation.  The IAS coaching shall commence from next Monday.

The selected candidates are required to come to the counselling session with their testimonials. In case of any student failing to attend the counselling session, another student shall be taken on a merit basis.

The state government pays Rs 1.50 lakh to the coaching centres.  The city candidates shall get Rs 2000 stipend per month while the candidates from districts will get Rs.5000.

The government shall also pay Rs 3000 for purchasing the books and Rs.250  for bus pass to the city students and Rs 500 to the district students.

The IAS coaching for minority students was introduced in 2016-17.  In 2019, three candidates qualified in prelims and one among them crossed the mains but they were not selected at the interview level.