Telangana Hujjaj will not have Rubath accommodation facility this year: Hussain Shareef

Hyderabad: The incharge of the Rubath accommodation facility in Makkah Rubath Hussain Al Shareef in an email on Thursday informed the Telangana Haj committee that the accommodation facility will not be available for Hujjaj this year.

Al Shareef informed that the government of Saudi Arabia has not issued a permit for the accommodation of Hujjaj this year as the building has gone under demolition process.

Rubath is an accommodation building for pilgrims coming to Makkah. It was purchased by the Nizam for the people of Hyderabad State. It is located in Ibrahim Al Khaleel Street, Al Misfalah in Makkah. It had a capacity of nearly 1200 people.

In the absence of this accommodation facility, the cost of the Telangana Hujjaj will go up further as they have to pay for their accommodation in addition to other expenses.