On September 6, the Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao after a Cabinet meeting at Pragathi Bhavan, the CM’s camp office, in Hyderabad dissolved the Telangana Legislative Assembly.
The Election Commission (EC) will issue the schedule for Telangana Assembly Election in the second week of October, paving the way for the state to go to polls in the last week of November.
As the elections are around the corner in the Telangana State and it’s a legal right of every citizen to participate in the elections and cast their vote. If you want to check your name, family members name in the chief electoral officer’s website you can click the below link and enter your details like Name, Constituency, District and house number following which a list will appear according to the number of voters registered in the election commission.
Check your name and the names of your family members in the electoral list immediately. If any name is missing please take immediate steps to get enrolled, and also apply for any corrections in name etc.