Hyderabad: High Court today reserved the Judgement on a case with regard to implementation of Dalit Bandhu scheme in Huzurabad segment going for polls on October 30. On hearing the petitions the CJ Satish Chandra Sharma and Rajsekhar Reddy got the details on the same.
The bench put the judgement in reserve related to the case. Social scientist Mallepally Lakshmaiah, Jadson and peoples voice organization filed separate petitions on the same.
While Lakshmaiah and Jadson sought the court to vacate Election Commission orders against the Dalit Bandhu in the segment in the poll bound Huzurabad. Peoples’ Voice organization has opposed it for direct benefit transfer through the scheme.
Lakshmaiah and Jadson argued that the scheme was launched well in advance and not during the polls. They said that the EC cannot stop it and such a step is against the constitution.
They urged the court to cancel the EC orders stalling the Dalit Bandhu scheme ad asked for continuing. However the high court kept in reserve the Judgement in this regard.