Telangana HC ordered cops not to conduct raids on tobacco makers & sellers

Hyderabad: Telangana High Court ordered the Director-General of Police to issue a circular ordering police officers not to conduct raids, seize, or prevent the manufacture, storage, transportation, and sale of tobacco products.

Justice Kanneganti Lalitha ruled that in order to avoid having the DGP appear in court, the circular that was sent to police personnel to that effect must be brought before the court on Wednesday. Following the Supreme Court’s interim judgments halting the state government’s announcement banning the sale of gutka and tobacco products in packages or sachets, Justice Lalitha issued the instructions.

Several gutka sellers went before the High Court, claiming that the police had raided their businesses and seized merchandise against directives from the Supreme Court. They also let the High Court know that a division of the High Court had clarified that the police must obey directives from the Supreme Court.

According to media reports, they also protested that even after the merchandise was taken from them, the police did not present it to the relevant courts.

Justice Lalitha ordered the government’s home attorney to produce information regarding whether or not the seized stock had been deposited with the courts. If the details were submitted, Justice Lalitha stated the court should get them.