Hyderabad: Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday has instructed the officials to commemorate the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, ‘Azadi Ki Amrut Mahotsav’ in a grand manner for 75 weeks from March 12 to August 15.
The government has sanctioned Rs 25 crore for this purpose.
In a video conference on Monday with chief ministers, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the goal of this event is to make people understand the importance of freedom and freedom struggle of the country, as well as to inform the younger generation about the freedom movement. He said that this has to connect the youth and make the event a movement.
The state government appointed KV Ramanachary Advisor (Cultural Affairs) the Chairman and Secretary of the Celebrations Committee. The committee will consist of officials from the general administration department, finance department, cultural affairs, municipal administration, panchayat raj and education departments. KCR asked Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar to issue orders in this regard.
The Mahotsav will be inaugurated in Hyderabad and Warangal. The ceremony will be held on March 12 at the Public Garden in Hyderabad and the Police Grounds in Warangal. KCR will be the chief guest at the event in Hyderabad, while Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan will be the chief guest at the program to be held at the police line in Warangal.
KCR instructed the officials to organize the celebrations amidst peace and harmony. Tributes will be paid to freedom fighters and martyrs of the Independence movement.
On the occasion of 75th Independence Day, the tricolor will be hoisted at 75 important locations, like the Sanjeevaiah Park, across the state, followed by the police march-past. Chief minister said these programmes would be held adhering to COVID-19 guidelines.
Rao has also instructed the officials to organize essay writing competitions, debates, elocutions etc.