Hyderabad: The Telangana state government had allocated a total of Rs.23679 cr for the 2BHK scheme from the financial year 2016-17 till 2020-21. Upon reviewing the figures it became apparent that the state government had released a mere Rs. 383 cr out of the announced budget of Rs.23679 cr. This information has been obtained through the right to information act (RTI).
In 2014, the state government had announced plans to construct 291057 2BHK homes in different districts of the state out of which 1,00,087 homes are already constructed while about 68967 homes are about to be completed. The work for the construction of 58331 homes is still going on.
Information obtained through RTI shows that out of the total allocated amount Rs. 10427 cr was spent so far on the project out of which the State government contribution is merely Rs. 383 cr the rest of the amount – Rs. 8744 cr – had been obtained on loan from HUDCO. The central government’s contribution for the scheme had been Rs 1120 cr for urban areas and Rs. 190 cr for rural areas.
The major amount spent by the Telangana government has been obtained either through loan or got from the central government.
The CPM leader M Srinivas says, “There are no details about the amount of funds released by the state government as on record the state government share is showing a mere Rs. 383 cr. It is necessary for the government to explain where the money which has been allocated in the budget is. It is apparent that the government is constructing 2BHK homes from the money taken on loan from HUDCO or from the Central Government.”
As for the homes distribution, Srinivas says that the government is keeping the distribution pending to take advantage of its distribution just before the assembly elections.
“One lakh homes are ready hence the state government should finalize the beneficiary list and initiate its distribution immediately,” said Srinivas.