Hyderabad: Information Technology Minister K. Tarakarama Rao on Saturday directed the officials to prepare the draft of a new policy for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) belonging to Telangana State.
KTR, who also holds the portfolio of NRI Affairs, said that the new policy should be aimed at helping the youth who aspire for jobs in Gulf and other foreign countries. He asked the officials to study the NRI policies of different States and adopt the best practices. He said important elements of NRI policies of Kerela and Punjab Governments should be incorporated in Telangana’s policy.
KTR said that he would conduct a meeting next week with NGOs working for NRI welfare and all the agencies concerned to discuss the new policy. The officials of Labour Department would also be invited for the meeting. He said that the policy would help in preventing cases of cheating by fly-by-night travel agents.
The minister said that the draft policy would be submitted to Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao for final approval. (INN)