Hyderabad: Telangana governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan on Monday called for citizens to have “no vaccine-hesitancy” and urged all the eligible people to register and get vaccinated to prevent getting infected with COVID-19.
The governor on Monday reviewed state affairs with the Raj Bhavan officials through a video conference from Puducherry, where
she is holding additional charge as the Lt. Governor.
Dr. Soundararajan stated that all the eligible people, like citizens aged
above 60 years and those above 45 years with co-morbidity conditions,
“must be motivated to register on the COWIN 2.0 and take the vaccine”.
She also directed Raj Bhavan officials to guide and motivate all people among the Raj Bhavan personnel to get vaccinated
at the earliest. “Raj Bhavan should be a role model to others by getting all the eligible people vaccinated,” the governor stated.
Dr. Soundararajan also appealed to all the people to strictly adhere to the
COVID-19 preventive norms so as to prevent the spread of the pandemic,
as the vaccination process is still in progress.
She reviewed requests and appeals received through social media and directed the officials to respond according to the merits of the each case