Hyderabad: Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao held a high-level meeting of officials of the transport department on Sunday and announced the dismissal of 48,000-odd employees of Telangana State Road Transport Corporation from service after 49000 employees launched an indefinite strike since Friday midnight.
TSRTC buses remained off the road on the second day due to the indefinite strike by employees unions on Sunday. Most of the buses continued to stay off the road across the State causing hardship to commuters, particularly Dasara festival travelers.
The indefinite strike by the TSRTC employees and workers was by and large peaceful on Saturday, with the corporation managing to operate 40 per cent of its services with its own fleet and hiring the services of private bus operators and educational institutions across the State.
Hardening his stand, the Chief Minister ruled out merging TSRTC with the government, which is the main demand of the striking employees.
Stating that those who went on strike committed a grave mistake, he said there was no question of any compromise with them. He made it clear that there will be no talks with the striking employees.
KCR, as the Chief Minister is popularly known, said that there should a permanent end to blackmail tactics, indiscipline and actions that often create headaches.