Hyderabad: After the initiation of “Mana Ooroo Mana Badi” program for providing a face lift to government schools, the Telangana government is now planning to initiate a similar program for the development of state -run junior colleges.
The program will be initiated to enhance those junior colleges which are operating from the premises of different government schools across the state. The state Education Department has mooted the program in order to develop the junior colleges with provisions including electrification, drinking water supply, furniture to students and staff, painting, major and minor repairs, green chalk boards, new classrooms. At the moment, the department will not be providing digital facilities to these colleges.
The “Mana Ooroo-Mana badi” and “Mana Basti Mana Badi” programs aim to develop 26, 065 colleges and schools in the rural and urban areas of the state. The estimate cost of the programs is Rs 7,289.54 crore. These initiatives will be implemented in a phased manner, the first phase will cover 9,123 with the highest enrollments and hopes to benefit over 19 lakh students.
Education minister will convene a virtual meeting on February 9 with MLAs MLCs and district officials regarding the implementations of the program. In order to ensure the seamless implementation of the program, the education department will train the School Management committees, with regards to seeking funds from industries and MNCs as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).