Telangana government approves appointment on 1663 additional posts

Hyderabad: The Telangana Government gave approval for filling up 1663 additional posts in different government departments. The Finance department on Saturday issued orders according to a government source.

The details of these additional jobs are:  1522 posts shall be in engineering section, 704 in Water Department, 227 in AEE and 212  technical posts.

Similarly, approval is given for 95 technical assistant posts in the Water Department while the department of water resources shall have 88 engineering posts in addition to 27 technical officers and 53 divisional accountants.

 The government had already approved to fill up 45,325 posts in government departments such as police, forest, fire, jail transport, excise, Panchayat Raj, Municipal administration, social welfare department as well as Health and Education Departments.