Hyderabad: TRS chief and caretaker Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, who was cautious on Danam Nagender’s movements in the wake of social media comments that he may get back to the Congress for not getting a ticket so far, has reportedly decided to offer him a ticket for Goshamahal constituency.
However, Danam is seeking to be in fray from Khairatabad segment in the ensuing Assembly elections which are likely to be held in November last week. On weighing the pros and cons about winning chances, the TRS after talking to other aspirants will finalize the candidature and to rope in Nagender from either Khairatabad or Goshamahal. KCR is to take stock of the situation in the key segments by talking to other aspirants like Vijaya Reddy (PJR’s daughter), Vijayalakshmi and Manne Govardhan Reddy.
According to informed sources, the party high command has almost completed the exercise to announce other 14 candidates, including Khairatabad, Goshamahal and others. KCR is expected to finalize and announce the candidates, including Nagender on September 13. On KCR’s directive, Danam Nagender had to deny social media reports that he met with TPCC Chief N Utham Kumar Reddy at a hotel and clarified that he has no intention to go back to the Congress party.
Danam also said he was ready to take any responsibility even if he won’t get a ticket to contest and fight against the defeat of the Congress in Hyderabad. A team of senior leaders spoke to the party chief at his residence and an announcement was awaited on other candidatures of others from 14 segments. As Konda Surekha couple raised a banner of revolt against denial of a ticket, KCR has spoken to his confidants on the Warangal East segment and will finalize the candidate on September 13. For this, KCR will elicit opinions on the candidatures of Pochampally Srinivas Reddy, former minister Basavaraju Saraiah, former MP Sudharani and TRS leader Pradeep Rao and then take a call.