Telangana: Forest department increases vigilance to prevent poaching

Hyderabad: Telangana forest department officials are increasing their vigilance in the forest in Telangana to prevent smuggling or poaching of birds for superstitions beliefs.

Following the ‘Haritha Haram’ projects and bountiful rains in Telangana, the wildlife and birds are prospering in the forest blocks in the State. The department even during summer months is taking several measures to prevent starvation of the animals or birds.

The department asked its field level officials to strictly deal with the bird catchers who frequent the forest blocks and catch peacocks, parrots, barn owls (vellimoonga) or other species of owls from the forest and sell them.

There is a great demand for barn owls owing to the belief of people in black magicians who ask for it to perform special rituals. In certain States in the country a barn owl is sold for as high as Rs. 1 lakh a bird.

Black magicians, it is learnt, use the owl for sacrifices during dark rituals performed at nights at graveyards and forest areas away from human inhabitations. The birds are killed by black magicians and the ears, claws, beak, feather, heart etc., are used for the rituals.

Forest officials say owl species, including spotted owlet, oriental scops, Indian scops, and barn, are found in Ananthagiri, Amrabad, Kawal and other wildlife zones in the State

The birds make trees or abandoned water tanks, houses or agriculture fields their home. In India, owls are protected under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.